Analysing the Team

Now that my report team have gotten to know each other a little better, it has come time to analyse each person’s team roles and our team as a whole. Throughout this blog I will discuss our overall team function, any strengths and weaknesses we have, any issues we have come up against as well as our roles within the team.

We were encouraged to get our team together for an initial introductory catch up around the mid semester break but with everyone being distance students and having a life outside of study, this didn’t happen with us. I admit that I came across as strong when I tried to get the ball rolling, we have a facebook group set up and I would be able to get a response from at least one person each post but never everyone so I started to panic and get stressed. The more the days that went by the closer to the due date. We didn’t get our first initial meeting organised until the 16th of September but it was quite successful. We discussed our individual understandings of the assignment and began to nut out what we wanted our overall outcome to be and started to devise a plan of attack. We organised our next meeting and had a list of tasks with due dates beside them to keep us focused.

This list of tasks and due dates was created by who I would consider the co-ordinator of the team, Prajot. Throughout the past few weeks he has been focused and has always contributed to the meetings thoroughly with research or general ideas. Because of this I not only see his as the co-ordinator but the resource investigator too. Where there are many ideas on how to do a particular job Courtney steps up and becomes the monitor evaluator of the group. She weighs up the options and makes a decision that betters the team and puts no-one in a lesser position. Toward the end of this assignment however she will start to morph into the completer finisher as she is our designated group editor. She will be collating all of our individual paragraphs and piecing them together to form one seamless document. As well as the paragraphs to write, we also have data to analyse from our survey. This analysis is being completed by Grace. I see her as a specialist as she is currently completing a statistics course and is the most knowledgeable in the area of data analysis. Throughout all of the team skype meetings, she has been very attentive and although she shares ideas, she seems happy to sit and listen to everything everyone is saying before speaking her thoughts. This to me indicates that she is a teamworker also. Because of my willingness and motivation to get the team report off the ground and rolling, I believe myself to be the sharper. This means that in the team we have one ideas person which is Prajot, three leaders who are Prajot, Courtney and myself, one do-er who is Courtney and one other member who is Grace. This combination of team roles works well. We have not clashed and we all keep each other accountable with our tasks, we work well as a team.

We have three different leadership styles in the group which all work well together, we are all task focused and understand what we need to get done, who needs to get what done and when it all needs to be done by. Prajot, being the co-ordinator, is also social focused meaning he is concerned not only with the task ahead but the people also. He has taken this into account it seems when creating the task list.

Overall I would consider our weakness as a team to be the fact that we are all distance and need to communicate via facebook, email and our Skype meetings. From this supposed weakness grows strengths, we each learn as individuals to be patient with each other, prompt with replies and on time with deadlines and meetings. We learn how to respond to one another and have developed an unspoken team dynamic which works very well.


Overall I consider our team to be relatively successful. We have learned to work with each other and have started to develop individual roles within the team. As our report progresses and moulds so will our roles. Our weaknesses we have started to turn into strengths and have learnt from them. I am looking forward to our end project and couldn’t have asked for a more well oiled machine of a team to work with.
