Introduction to Talia Campbell

My name is Talia Campbell, I have recently completed my Diploma in Law at Waikato University and I am currently in my first year of my Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science without a major, which I am studying via distance.

I have chosen this degree because I have always had an interest in personal training and the way the body works and my personal experiences of overuse injuries have sparked a passion to learn more about the bio-mechanics of the body and what happens to our muscles during training and resting.

Ever since I was 10 I have wanted to become a police officer, more specifically, a detective. While I am currently taking a break from police training due to injury, I am volunteering as a community patrol officer in Hamilton one Saturday night a month to get a feel for the job and to get my name into the police community.

This paper will not specifically help me with my career as although there is still paper work to be done for the police force, it is very minimal and has a more legal writing style. I consider a communication strength of mine being able to get a certain point across relatively early in a piece of writing however a weakness I have for communicating in a science writing style is coming from a law writing style background as I expect them to be different.


tojarp said…
Hi Talia, welcome to the team! I am sure a lot of us dreamt of being a police officer ( or a soldier, doctor, pilot etc.) while we were 10, but good on you for pursuing that dream. Sports science is a fascinating subject and a topic of interest, so would be good to have a chat about it at some stage. I also think that communication is invaluable regardless of what area you end up with. The ability to sift and sort through information quickly would definitely help you in your future as a detective!
Unknown said…
Very much looking forward to working with you Talia! I think each person we've recruited to our team will individually bring such interesting perspectives to the report we will be writing together, having all come from and studied in such different areas. I think bringing your thinking from a law background will actually be hugely beneficial; I can't see any group project being successful or even interesting without members approaching it from different angles and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Variety is the spice of life after all! - Courtney